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Level 3 Diploma in Art - Student Profile

Posted on: 14/09/2022

CTEC Art Student


What have you enjoyed the most whilst studying your course?

I have enjoyed all the units, but I've mostly enjoyed planning, creating and presenting three sculptures inspired by Picasso. With my love of rabbits, I produced a rabbit sculpture, a castle and a lung as well as many other exciting pieces of work.

Have you had any challenges and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge was not being able to create my lung sculpture. Not all the parts would fit together with wood. To solve the problem, I had to use wire and nailed it to the frame, and it came together.  

How do you find the teachers?

I've had a nice experience with my teachers. Whenever I've struggled and faced difficulties, I have been supported by my teachers and support staff. I've also had the resilience to stay focused and keep a positive mental attitude. 

How did you manage during Covid?

During Covid I got bored at times, but Art kept me alive which gave me the motivation to get my units completed. 

How would say to encourage a student thinking of applying here? What would you say?

I would encourage those studying Art to come here as there is a variety of interesting units to explore on the course with a variety of trips. We even held an art exhibition to exhibit our work which gave me lots of confidence to express my artistic talents.

What grade did you get?