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Year 13 visit to Fleetline Coachworks Monday 21st November 2022

Posted on: 22/11/2022

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Year 13 construction students went on a visit to see Fleetline’s new state of the art workshops.

This was away from their normal construction lessons and showed  another industry that is available to them.

The event started with Steve Harris giving them an introduction to his company, how it was set up. He explained the different areas of the workshop and how each one works.

The group was then split into groups and each one worked with a specialist.

They worked on removing and replacing parts, checking wheel alignment and camera setting, they went into the spraying area and up into estimating.

All students really enjoyed the experience learning something new.

The day ended with Steve talking to them about the opportunities with his company and how to apply for an apprenticeship.

This was a truly great experience, enjoyed by all the students.

Please find more pictures here