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Science Trip - Centre of the Cell, Whitechapel

Posted on: 06/12/2021

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Sarah Yr 12, talks about her Science Trip Experience at Centre of the Cell, Whitechapel

STEM Pod Experience

The STEM pod experience offers students and others alike the opportunity to learn about the different careers in cell biology. There are various activities that allow students to engage in fun games and educational activities. Educational videos are projected on the ceiling above the nucleus, which introduces the concept of cell biology and medical research involving that. They also offer multiple microscopes that display the difference between cancerous and normal cells. Throughout the room, students can view the different specimens from the Pathology Museum, such as a real human brain, knee, intestine and other organs.

The STEM pod was a fun experience that introduced me to the various career options in biomedicine. The games were fun whilst also very educational. It was a pleasant experience that I would recommend other students to try out. To see scientists, work hard to find cures for diseases and viruses was inspirational and made me respect them more. Our tour guides were extremely helpful and made sure everyone was engaged and taking part. The STEM pod exceeded my expectations as I was expecting more of a museum experience, but it was a pleasant surprise.